Securities Internet Trading System

Investors should pay attention to the risk that transactions over the Internet may be subject to interruption, transmission blackout, delayed transmission due to Internet traffic or incorrect data transmission due to the public nature of the Internet. Trading Stock transmitted and received through Internet may result in delays, and/or incompleteness in execution and/or execution at prices different from those prevailing at the time the Stocks were given.

Web Page,

on Apple App Store (iOS)

on Google Play Store (Android)

Android apk file

Upbest Securities Web Trading - User Manual

Upbest Securities App Trading - User Manual

Commodities Online Trading System

Investors should be aware that transactions on the Internet may cause interruption of transmission, transmission of pauses, delays in transmission due to heavy traffic on the Internet, or the possibility of transmission of data errors if the Internet is a public facility. In view of the above, the trade instructions transmitted and received via the Internet may have the risk of being delayed and / or incomplete execution and / or indicating that the market price at the time of execution is different from the price at the time of the issue

Windows version only. Please download the exe file.

on Apple App Store (iOS)

on Google Play Store (Android)

Android apk file

2FA (Two-factor authentication) Token app (AFE TokenPro) setup guide

AFE TokenPro on Apple App Store (iOS)

AFE TokenPro on Google Play Store (Android)