Opening Account

Please fill in the account opening form and bring the following documents to our office in person:
i. Individual/Joint account
  • Hong Kong Identity card or passport of the account holder(s) ; and
  • Address proof dated within the latest three months which are either bills from public utilities, government or bank statement
ii. Corporate account
  • Certified true copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association;
  • Board resolution(s) to open an account with Upbest and the appointment of authorized person(s) to operate the account;
  • Certified true copy of Certificate of Incorporation;
  • Certified true copy of valid Business Registration Certificate;
  • Certified true copy of the latest audited financial report;
  • Certified true copies of Hong Kong Identity Card or passport of directors and the authorized persons;
  • Certified true copy of Company Address;
  • Certified true copy of Register of Directors(s); and
  • Certified true copy of Register of Shareholder(s).
After opening the account, cash account holder(s) can place orders by phone while internet trading account holder(s) can trade via the internet trading platform after receiving our login and confirmation password within 2-3 working days. (Notice: Trading shall be placed after deposited adequate cash amount into the account.) If there is any enquiry of account opening, please feel free to call our customer services hotline at (852) 2544-0827.

Trading Info

Market Hours

Full Day Trading

Half Day Trading

Auction Session

Pre-opening Session

9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Continuous Trading Session


9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon

Morning Session

12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m.

Not applicable

Afternoon Session

1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Not applicable

Auction Session

Closing Auction Session

4:00 p.m. to a random closing between 4:08 p.m. and 4:10 p.m.

12:00 noon to a random closing between 12:08 p.m. and 12:10 p.m.

There is no Extended Morning Session and Afternoon Session on the eves of Christmas, New Year and Lunar New Year. There will be no Extended Morning Session if there is no Morning Session.

The Pre-opening session is divided into four stages

Hong Kong Time At-auction Order At-auction Limit Order
09:00 - 09:15 Can input
Can amend
Can cancel
Can input
Can amend
Can cancel
09:15 - 09:20 Can input
Cannot amend
Cannot cancel
Cannot input
Cannot amend
Cannot cancel
Hong Kong Time
09:20 - 09:28 Trading orders will be lined up in sequence according to their categories (At-auction Order is in priority), price and time. The order will be closed sequentially starting from Indicative Equilibrium Price
Hong Kong Time
09:28 - 09:30 All activities in the terminal system will be suspended until the start of the morning trading session
Transaction Procedures

Client can place orders directly with his/her broker by telephone or through the internet trading platform. He/she can also contact with the customer service department for general enquiries. However, the customer service department is not authorised to place any orders on behalf of the clients, and instruction of order placing will be referred back to the broker.

Settlement Procedures

Settlement day of Hong Kong Securities market is the second trading day after the transaction day (T+2).

# If you have any enquiry regarding securities trading, please call our customer services hotline at (852) 2544-0827.

Buy & Sell Charges
Brokerage (only for internet trade)
0.175% or 50.00 – Min
Brokerage (by phone)
0.25% or 100.00 – Min
Stamp Duty
1/1,000 ($1 per $1,000)
Trading Fee
0.00565%, with effect from 1 January 2023
Transaction Levy
FRC Transaction Levy
Transfer Deed5.00 per lot
Handling Fee
2.00 – Min
200.00 – Max
Other Fees
Withdrawal $5.00 per lot
Withdrawal (odd lot) $30.00 per 10 certificates
(over 10 certificates: $8.00  per certificate)
5.00 per lot
Cash Offer
$ 0.80 per lot
Handling Fee 0.50 % 
$ 30.00 – Min
Handling Fee $ 1.00 per lot
$ 30.00 – Min
S.I./I.S.I Charges - Per Stock Transaction $20.00
Dividend Charges
Script Fee $1.50 per Lot
Collection Charge Of HKSCC 0.12%
Handling Fee 0.50%
$30.00 – Min
Dividend Claim Charges
Dividend Claim $500.00 – Max
$200.00 – Min
Handling Fee 0.50%
$50.00 – Min
Stop Payment
Bank Charge $100.00 per cheque
Handling Fee $50.00 per cheque

Payment Method

You may deposit your payments to the our Company's bank accounts below. Please fax the deposit slip to (852) 2545-9279 or (852) 2545-0120 for deposit confirmation:


(1) Bank Name

OCBC Wing Hang Bank Ltd. (華僑永亨銀行)
A/C No. 035-680313-001

A/C No.

364469-057 (RMB)

(2) Bank Name

Hang Seng Bank (恒生銀行)
A/C No. 239-139728-001
(3) Bank Name China Construction Bank (Asia)(中國建設銀行(亞洲))
A/C No. 009-639-9271975
(4) Bank Name Chiyu Banking Corporation (集友銀行)
A/C No. 039-737-0-003398-4
(5) Bank Name Bank of China (中國銀行)
A/C No. 012-567-0-006552-5
A/C No. 012-567-0-601144-5

Privacy and Policy

Subject to Change without prior notice.